Traa laa laa : Arguements and School
11:30 a.m. & Wednesday, Aug. 04, 2004

..what a day yesterday was.

Cande and I got into an arguement. She had broken into my diary and read the fact that I had cut on July 19th. We argued over it for awhile, going round and round in different theories. Finally we just ended up dropping it, but only because of the factor that we had both done alike things. She had attempted suicide and not told me, only finally I was tipped off when Keisuke had let something slip. -- I had cut and she didn't find out until she had broke into my diary. I'm wondering what the point of locking this diary is anymore. Perhaps I'll just unlock it. That would do me a greater service, because we all know how much I hated this goddamn thing locked.

School starts in five days. But tomorrow for the Fort Campbell kiddo's. Heh. I left Erika a note and called her last night concerning her diary entry. I think she misunderstood me. ;__; damn.

I'm anxious to finally get some friends, to start school. I'm ready to have something to do 8 hours a day. Of course I'm going to have to fix my sleeping habits then. ._. No more going to bed at 1:00-3:00. Although last night I crashed about 1:30. It's an improvement. I'm going to try to go to sleep earlier tonight. Atleast I only have to wake up at 6:00. ^_^ Like I did at Fort Campbell-- and my bus comes at 6:44, the same time Brant usually came to my house. Damn. I wish I was being spoiled again. -__- I honestly don't want to ride the bus. Ugh.

Emotionally I've been okay since Maine. God knows before then I was a wreck. But no, I think I've been able to calm down somewhat. Not everything in my world is like *bam* -fall apart-. Well atleast not anymore.

I believe that I'm redefining my musical tastes. I went out and bought the Brand New cd, bought the Lola Ray cd, bought the Lostprophets cd, bought the Death Cab for Cutie--- these are all the cd's I've bought from recent to last. So I think somewhere along the way I've figured out my distinct music taste. But it's floating somewhere inbetween? Who knows. I hate being put into boxes / labels-- whatever you know?

Nakaruru should get my letter today. ^^

Tell all the english boys you meet, about the american boy back in the states. The american boy you used to date, who would do anything you say.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward