The Unlocking Celebration!
12:06 p.m. & Thursday, Aug. 05, 2004

This is the first step to a little 'self improvement' I thought about while sitting in bed last night. Most of you have realized now--.. hey, your diary is unlocked! Bingo. What a brillant realization. I've always hated this thing locked anyway. It made more problems then it did solve any.

Yuu and I got into it again yesterday-- big time. I can't remember the last time I shouted and cried like that. But I know that it felt good. I've been holding back so much emotion as far as her and I have been. To finally just yell when I "dont get something" instead of just sighing at it, was a good turn around. Not something I'd normally do, but, eh. We went back and forth for awhile on the phone. That's the bitterest I've ever remembered us being towards each other. Later on I believe we both discovered that we are each other's, 'only dependants' as far as the Keisuke situation goes. We can only talk to each other about these things. Our frustrations and dissapointments in each other were magnifed by a bajillion because of the fact that Keisuke is yet again, gone. But I do believe we settled a lot. I need to work on not saying sorry so much. ;__; I mean it when I say it, honestly I do, but it seems to other people [ not just Yuuriko ] it's losing it's meaning. I don't know what the first steps in doing this are-- because honestly I do fuck up a lot. -_-;; So we'll see what I'm going to end up doing about this.

Yesterday I called the Walmart in Land O Lakes-- only to get a yes, there was an asian girl who hardly spoke english working there. Peculiar. Hardly coincidence. So that's one more clue to place in the 'pro's' bin.

Looks like for Spring Break if Yuuriko has her Job and her Liscence [ and a car, duh ] then we're going to drive down to Cocoa Beach. It's 2 hours and 30 minutes away from Land O Lakes.. :smirks: So, uhm, yeah we're just gonna go see the 'sites.' I wonder what kind of trouble we'll end up getting into. o_o! But I'm excited and can't wait. But of course, if that falls through then I'll just fly up to Manassas and stay with her for Spring Break. Rwaror. Heh. It'll be nice going back up to 'semi-' New England.

Four more days until school starts. Holy shit. Can we say nervous? But I know I over worry myself, things will turn out alright. And we all know me, boy crazed. xD; Hah. Not. Just like to look. Speaking of that! Yesterday while walking in the Mall with my Dad, I ended up spilling coffee on his hand because I saw this really ravishing young asian guy. When I say young, I mean like.. 19-20.. Lol. But still! He was cute. I was satisfied-- and poor Dad got burned in the process of me shaking him to look too. I don't think he was as satisfied by the whole thing like I was.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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