The Turn Around
6:08 p.m. & Tuesday, Feb. 03, 2004

Its really cold in my house : shivers : but I'm eating Chicken and Stars soup to keep myself warm. Kind of frustrated, sorta confused, alot down. Frustrated as in my whole nonexistant friendship between Stacy and Brant. Sorta confused as far as how many details Kei knows about the both of us. And alot down because Cande's gone and I'm all alone for the time being. I got to talk to Erika today. ^^;; I'm glad that things are working out for her in a big way. Perhaps this will be the final thing she needs. Lately I've been pushing myself around everywhere. It's insane. Holding onto problems and issues that aren't mine. Although I've always had a tendency to do stuff like that, so it doesn't come as such a big surprise to me. : sniffles : My nose is cold. : laugh : I was looking at UNO ( University of New Orleans ) Where I'm going to go to College.. And it's so simple to get in. I was amazed at alot of things. I'm not going to have a struggle with it. It's just trying to meet with the time inbetween. Days run into each other now, as inwardly I'm waiting for years to pass. I get to drive this year, I can get a job. It just makes me sit back and go.. " wow.. " Everything's finally happening.. no more sitting around and waiting. I can finally make things happen now. I'm not so much as on edge and in depression as I was previous months. This year is looking up so far, actually. The return of Keisuke, the self improvement of myself, better grades, more self motivation.. I'm slowly getting there. My next remodeling event will be for my relationships. I think I've finally lost Stacy and Brant though, so.. I'm just going to let that go. I'm trying to fix things with Erika.. and Toby? Well personally I've never had a problem with the guy. My relationship with Cande could never be better and Kei? XD : laughs : The normality is back. Dad returns soon. Therapy is helping instead of making me dread going. Im finding it easier to stop procrastinating.. to be the inner me. Finally settled on the fact that braces dont look SO bad on me. Kinda cute from somewhat of a stand point. Mom's going out later tonight. OH! MOM'S GOT A LIFE NOW! If you didn't get the memo. The majority of the week she's been clubing.. hanging out with friends. And by all means, this is a great thing in the world of Courtney. I finished Savannah's layout.. I hope she likes. : yawns : I think I actually might go and take a nap.. Mm.. One of those sound really nice. And then onward with Round Six of Twenty One Questions!


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward