The Beach Reflection
1:53 a.m. & Friday, Jan. 30, 2004

" The Beach Reflection ." : Short Story by Courtney Smith

Nothing hurts more then a love that's broken. Sigh broke through lips as figure walked down the shoreline, the tide sweeping in and out in rhythmic waves of it's own. Arms were wrapped around waist, finger tips pressing themselves gently upon hips to keep grasp holding. Footprints were indented into the sand but washed away as quickly as they come. Sun broke way through the horizon, morning starting its own day. The aroma of salt lingered strongly in the air, a bitter sweet reminder of the vast amount of ocean blue dreams that laid only ways away.

Ruby tresses were clipped back at the base of her neck, swaying against the small of her back. Cut off shorts covered her bottom half, exposing legs tanned from many a day spent lain on the beach. White tank top revealed tan lines that would soon fade away when autumn came. Jade hues blinked slightly as the position of holding herself changed, right arm rested over left shoulder, left arm draped across her bottom portion.

Thoughts that played inside mind were far away from the peaceful scenery that she wandered upon. They rested themselves upon others far from here now. A smile dared to play at the base of her lips, but finally faded away when remembering where these others were now. Each back to their own location, and herself? Still here. All five of them.. oh what a group they made. Fingers brought themselves to toy with a charm on a gold chain. Memory upon memory came back, causing her to stop her sauntering.

How could she forget this summer's events? Everything had moved so fast. Figure crouched downward in the sand, palms pressed flat to balance before she sat. She had always loved it here. Thoughts now played childhood events as if projected upon a slide show; a childish image of herself to behold, barely six in age. Ah yes, she would never forget games she would often play with herself by the ocean. Explore on the rocks, collect sea shells, building sand castles. Times where life was simple and uncomplicated, much unlike how things were now.

Vision looked out over the horizon, colors of bright oranges and reds, shades of an infinite amount of each color spreading over the clouds. Head turned back to look behind her now, gazing upon condos and apartment buildings, such things were never existant in her childhood; only now just erecting with the new sway of tourism upon this sleepy beachside town. She wasn't bothered by them, on the contrary she liked them. The frame that sat hunched together was really a city girl at heart, trapped within the confines of a small town life. Seeing these tall buildings reminded her of something that she longed for, for quite awhile. But it was really no matter now, she hadn't the desire to visit the city anymore. Quite frankly all desire seemed to be lost.

Mind picked yet another memory. How long had they been meeting here? For almost ten years was it? One couldn't be sure. Dates ran back and forth lately, she could barely hold her own conception of time. But regardless of whatever was taking place in all four of their lives, each made their own way here. A safety zone that no outsider could penetrate. It was sacreligious, off limits, and out of bounds. You were not allowed to drag your work into this beach lined town, it was simple a rule she had stated herself. Which was quite the abnormality. There were many things that she had done within the past few years that were most definately out of character.

Plans that had been made so many years ago, were not like things were now. Living situations, job occupations. All were a thing of the past, atleast for her. The others had gone exactly how she planned they would. But herself? She had come back to this town. Her life had been risked, they had placed her here. Birthplace. It seemed the safest of any place. Sometimes she hated this unfair decree of location, but othertimes it made her satisfied that she no longer had to worry about all of that anymore.

They had come to her Graduation night. Clad in their threats and weapons of destruction, demanding information of things this tender figure had no mind of. Of course, her friend had taken extreme precaution lest something of this order happen. It was inevitable, even her friend herself knew they would come. The red headed beauty herself could only shake her head and swallow back tears. This wasn't how it was suppose to be.

Eventually that to had faded away. All had come to her rescue, an operation that had already been pre planned for. They had used her as bait and they had got what they wanted. Placing her in a beached sanctuary, they left her there. Reassurance that they would return, this was her prison. Leeway was given to publish books, even without a college education, which had worked out well, figuratively and profitably speaking. Rarely did she complain, but when she did... they were never heard. She made sure they never left mind.

Sigh made through lips again as back pressed into the sand, laying down now. The sun had fully risen, eyes having to shut in protection of blinding rays. They continued onward with what destiny had already chosen for those four. The unemotional heart. The kindred soul. The proctective lover. And the playful gamer. But she? The writers heart? This was no place for her, and perhaps she had known it all along. Blinded by childlike naivity not wanting to see anything against what heart had desired.

Autumn would come soon, swift like in the changing of colors, leaves falling to their slow decend towards the ground. Tourists would eventually leave and she would be on her own again. Of course, the count of summer months would start once again. Times of laughter, of remembrance, of love, of unity. All would come back within an instant of re grouping. She would wait.. Yes. She would wait. It wasn't all that difficult, all you had to do was replay memories within your head.

Red tresses were sprinkled in grains of sand as she moved her position upward, sitting up now. Morning time, they would flock to the beach side now. The foriegners with their radios and coolers, beach chairs and sun block. She couldn't blame them though, they were just trying to escape their life such as she, using the beach as a diversion to reality.

Standing now hands held themselves still at sides, before a small smile graced its prescence upon her pink hued lips. They would be coming back and when they did? She'd be waiting like always. Open armed, eager accepting their hugs of hello's.. And when they left again? She'd watch them go, delievering closings of laters instead of good byes. Heart ache would not last forever, only until she saw them next.

Green orbs turned back towards the ocean before starting back. The ocean, like friendship, is a never ending color of reflection. When you can see yourself, finally you know where everything can stand.

--- CTS 04 ---

remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward