The American Boy You Used to Date
1:19 a.m. & Thursday, Jul. 29, 2004

Another late night entry. Lets not make this a habit shall we?

I suppose we should start off with me confessing my undying love for being a digital picture whore. Man. I need to cut it out. Picture after picture. But anyway, feast your eyes upon the Courtney.

I'm actually quite proud of my looks in this picture. You guys don't know how hard I struggled to reach the way I am today. I don't know. I know I was never ugly-- but when I look back I was never happy with myself. Sometimes It happens even now. I'm not a stuck up bitch who goes around and parades the fact that she thinks she's hot. But. I won't deny that I feel I look sexay in that one. If you think that's conceited-- take a cab here and blow me for all I mother fucking care.

Whoa. Language check. Anyway

I ran across another picture today-- of the type of guy I would love to date. He's a real cutie. Of course I have no earthly idea who the fuck the guy is. I <33 him. I'd rape him. :shrug:

I dont think I could ever keep a guy like that though. :sigh: But I can dream about my prince charming who will play guitar, love all music--punk,emo,hardcore, give a damn about the world, want to help people, be able to have dozens of inside jokes, cuddle me when I just don't feel like facing the world, let me warm my nose against his cheek on a cold winter day, have to plan our dates around a schedule with his friends, be okay as far as grades go, care about his future, want to make something of himself, know that not all relationships last forever-- but live our relationship out like it will-- I could go on forever about my prince charming. The question will be-- will he come? I'm uncertain.

Still Rping with Dayna. <333 This time it's Rei and Edan. I wanna be Rei, so I could cuddle with Edan. XD; He's one cute little mofo if you ask me. >>;; Did I just say mofo? lmao. What?

I still haven't been to the beach yet, but I want to go. I need to go.

Still listening to Jude Law and A Semester Abroad. I might have to change my favorite lyric in the panel to the right if I keep this up. ^_- Heh.

Out for tonight-- I am yet again keeping Dayna from my post.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward