silentlylost's Diaryland Diary


Maine, Cars, and Erica

So here we are again.

I've just about sorted the whole aftermath mess of me going to Las Vegas. Last night was a rough night. I even ended up going to sleep early. My mom is going to give me a decision on thursday-- as to whether I'm going to Vegas or Erica is coming to Maine. Honestly, that woman could drive me crazy if I let her. But after much persuasion and brain storming, things seem to be in the clear. Or atleast, I hope so. The drama has died down for the most part. Now I'm just preparing myself for Maine.

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It sure has been awhile, I can say that. I was rereading previous entries while I was in Maine. And every summer I've been there it's been the same. Maine is my sanctuary. It's a place where I'm safe from the world and I feel it's okay to be myself. It's a sense of self I've been longing for-- and long for all the time.

Things in my life are pulling together. I think after I see Erica, things will not be as tense. I'll be able to focus more on what is in the future. I mean, not that I mind worrying about the trip or anything. But missing her all the time & longing to be with her somewhat makes focusing my attention on anything else a bit complicated. Not that I'd have it any other way-- but still. We all know how contradictory I can be. No shame.

Junior year is going to be a trip. I can't say I'm too terribly excited, but then again I am. Journalism! I'm going to be writing for the school paper. I'm like dazed over that. Next year I'll actually have a little bit of non-curriculum classes. [ Visual arts & Journalism. ] :D Yay! This is good. Not all homework twenty four seven. Although I'm taking math methods. Ick. That's going to be by far my hardest class. I'm somewhat nervous about doing the first of the IB exams this year. It's going to suck big time if I don't pass. So I just hope to cross my fingers and do the best I can do. God. School is ending soon. I mean, as far as graduating.

OH! was anyone interesting in seeing what my car is going to look like.

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It's the older one, obviously. This is some awkward comparision between the old one and the new one. But yep. That's exactly it. Color and all. Ick.


4:46 p.m. - Tuesday, Jun. 28, 2005


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