Let Fate Prove Right
6:18 P.M. & Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2003

Skittles and Role Playing. A combination that I haven't put together since Keisuke left. I don't really know why I stopped role playing when he left... I guess its because he's the one who 'started' me on it and to see him go just didn't seem right for me to Role play. It was like a part of myself had died. I'm opening up this chapter again only to close it for good until fate comes to play again.

Keisuke says he can't respond to you or Louis anymore because of the change. He said all his peoples left where she is and he can't watch over her anymore cause he's not in the America anymore. I dun think he wanted me to tell you this but he dun think Louis will keep her promise to him so he's not even gonna try anymore but also cause he's not allowed to talk to people he knew before the change happened. He does this though and distances himself from people he cares for when he can't be near them anymore. Dun think that helps comfort much but tis the truth. Keisuke has the phone still if you call. --Naka

Quite the shocker and smack in the face, huh. I can't say that I'm sad and I can't say that I deserve it either. I'm indifferent probably because I was expecting it all along. I will never know if this part of my life was ever true or real. But for the most part, this little girl believed his every word. He was the father figure in where my dad wasn't. I told him everything. Alot of things... things that I never imagined telling someone. But I did. And it hurts to see him go. But I guess I'm not really letting go...I wont let go until I'm dead in my grave. I'll be waiting forever. Waiting for the day he comes back and the day that fate proves me right finally.

remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward