Last Therapy Session
4:22 p.m. & Tuesday, Apr. 20, 2004

Today was an interestingly odd day today. It was unusual, almost as if I was there but I wasn't. I didn't give myself much room to think, hell I didn't really want to think. It's a whole part of this not worrying thing I've started. I just concentrated on my classes, had casual conversation with random people, and did my work like I was asked.

Although this afternoon things did get a little more unusual.. afterschool my mom picked me up and I went to therapy. I told my therapist everything that was going on.. about the wonderful Spring Break I had.. about the changes I want to make for myself.. about me moving. She gave me a lot of feedback about how it was so nice to see a self motivator willing to make these changes and put my trust into other people that these were the right ones. I trust the others around me completely, their judgement is golden. We sat on the patio of the hospital and just talked. I told her the things that I wanted to happen in the near future, I even told her about the plans Cande and I have for post highschool. She said plans were a good thing and because she knew I was a complusive planner, things would work out just right. My therapist is always my quick fix for a jump start in my optimistic thinking. I always come out of my sessions ready to take on the world to accomplish anything that I want. If anyone cares to know, I believe my last therapy session to be.. May 10th. :nods: And that's it. I'll be able to close this chapter of my life and call it written.

I sort of want to write a story right now but I'm floating too inbetween at the moment to stay grounded to do it.

I should go start homework though.. and even take a shower if I'm lucky.

" The little things in life mean the most to those who would give the world to see them happen. " - Courtney Smith


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward