" In our business, you're bound to rub out someone you know."
8:51 a.m. & Sunday, Jan. 04, 2004

I guess I would have seemed to dissapeared off the face of this world that I exist in. In a way I've been neglecting alot of things, but last night at Toby's helped me alot. I was able to just relax, laugh my ass of, not worry about trying to impress anyone, and be myself... Yes, Courtney, the asian loving, anime freak, I like killing but could never shoot a gun type of gal. I don't really know. I'm contemplating giving Stacy a call. She sent me an email, so I'll call her after I take a shower this morning. Fulltime Killer came in last night.. and my dad took me, Toby, and Moyers up to Hastings to get it. After that we roamed around for awhile, watched Angel Sanctuary, then went back to Moyer's house so he could call Trish. We found out that Moyer's couldn't stay for our little get together, so it was just Toby and Me. ^^;; And I have to say that I did have alot of fun. Word has gotten around the group that smaller groups are funner. And its the truth, to be exact. We watched Jackie Brown, Pulp Fiction, Fulltime Killer XD ( how he put up with me during that movie I have noooooo idea.. ) We talked alot about Keisuke and Cande, and he seemed to grasp it alot better the second time around. We crashed out during Pulp Fiction and I never got to see my "Dead Nigger Storage" part. : sniffles : Saddening. I FINALLY got my package that Cande sent out yesterday. It was filled with Vampire Princess Miyu Dvd's and a Gackt x MM cd! I was like. ^_^ WOOOOOOO HOOOOO! Theres also this Joke cd I have to look at that I haven't got around to yet. School starts back up tomorrow but I'm not going.. ._. Dad leaves tomorrow. : sighes : Then on Wed I get my braces put on. *Groans* I'm going to try and give Keisuke another Call, but I don't want to do it alone. Too paranoid. Perhaps I'll get more then voicemail this time. *sighes* Ugh, I really need to take a shower.. I'm stalling. I've had enough procrastination for exams. Eerr.. >_> I'll just go now. I'm out. Jaa!


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward