Groundation drives some crazy
8:31 a.m. & Friday, Dec. 12, 2003

Early morning, exams are pulling nearer and slowly but surely I'm losing my mind here. Just being grounded in general.. and for the extended length of time that I have been is taking it's toll. But I'm proud to say that it hasn't been strong enough to force me to give into my cutting habits.. being alone from everyone.. alienated and everything just being really a *sigh*.. So, atleast I can point out that as a good point if anything. I've got to read three books by third period Monday, December 15th. Bleehh. Yeah, I'm working on it as we speak. I'm in second period Computer Applications. No work to do, such a feeling of release. I think.. I really do think that I've risen my grades far more then my mother expected. After all, she was the one who told me I couldn't raise my F in French to a passable grade.. It's currently a A.. So take that, Mother. I've been thinking alot lately about giving my therapist my diary link.. but then of course it would raise questions such as.. " Who is Keisuke.. Why did you do this.. Why.. Who.. What.. When.. Where.. " All things that I'm not sure I could deal with, and with the legality positioning of things it wouldn't be entirely the best idea of the century. I'd be grounded before you could say Japanese Assassian. : yawns : Winter's finally creeping up around here.. In a way I'm as much worried for Brant as I am his mother.. Mmm... but these things will pass with due time. He'll take care of it, he always does.. if thats one thing I can say about him, strictly fact speaking wise. But yeah. I've still go to talk with my mother about getting my nose pierced on the 20th.. Going to Toby's on the 20th.. and after exams on Friday going to Opry Mills.. then further more actually getting money for everything. Ahh Courtney, more lies have been weaved. Yeah yeah.. I wish I could tell my mind to shut up now and then. Well, this is your little strange one leaving now.. contemplating on changing her layout.. I am never really satisfied. Alrightio then, I'm out...


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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