Feedback from Toby's Entry
3:08 p.m. & Monday, Dec. 08, 2003

Well, this here entry is to compliment the one that Mister Tobin did in his diary today. I have no objection to any of the truths, yes thats right.. truths that he put in his diary. Every statement that I he put in there was correct to his perspective. So the last thing you guys need to do is run around like a chicken with your head cut off complaining about how 'wrong' his entry is, or stabbing him in the back about it. For one, its his diary, and for two, its his theory/perspective/thought which ever of the three suits your fancy. Now with that out of the way, I must add more to certain aspects of Toby's entry.
1. I believe the coupling theory is correct. As for the coupling part I'm put into.. He's right. Everytime Ian and I are in the same room together we bring everyone down all at once. I don't believe this can be this leads more to a conclusion dicussion I will ponder on eventually.
2. The family DOES NOT.. and will not exist without Brant. This is a true enough statement. He ties everything together and seems to be the one who delievers all of our oxygen.. perhaps I should change my coined term of dysfunctional family to dependant family, because with Toby's interesting points... it makes some sense.
3. There is one part that I agree and disagree with all the same. Some people say that the 'family' is over. I believe that in a way, it is.. but In another way its gotten smaller.. When it comes down to it?? There are only Four people left from the original family that actually associate everyday on good terms and mostly without problems. That would be Brant, Stacy, Toby, and Myself. If Larry were closer I'm sure we could add him to that. Erika and Mark have their own world which they are rightly allowed to be lost in, Ian has his seperate group of friends... Heather broke off in the very beginning.. Shawn is further away then I would like Him to be, but when he does pop in occasionally I consider him part.. but I cant state him as a solid member as of now. This also goes for Moyers when he visits us. This family isn't a secret club, or orginazation.. blah blah.. fuck off to anyone who gets defensive about this... It's suppose to be a family. Lets see what Mister Merriam Webster himself has to say for this.
Main Entry: 1fam�i�ly
Pronunciation: 'fam-lE, 'fa-m&-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -lies
Etymology: Middle English familie, from Latin familia household (including servants as well as kin of the householder), from famulus servant
Date: 15th century
1 : a group of individuals living under one roof and usually under one head
2 a : a group of persons of common ancestry b : a people or group of peoples regarded as deriving from a common stock
3 a : a group of people united by certain convictions or a common affiliation b : the staff of a high official (as the President)
4 : a group of things related by common characteristics: as a : a closely related series of elements or chemical compounds b : a group of soils that have similar profiles and include one or more series c : a group of related languages descended from a single ancestral language

Read that definition.. and tell me. Are we a family anymore? Some of us are.. some of us aren't. But in a shitty way we have become what is called an 'American' family.. or a family that ends up hating each member in the end. Let me ask you something.. Christmas should be about setting aside grudges and being happy.. make happiness around your atmosphere... Is there any chance everyone ( myself included ) could set aside their family grudges and get along? If so, then Decemeber the 20th there will be a sleepover. Stacy, Brant, Toby, Ian, Erika, Mark, Myself, Larry, and Moyers if you are here... you guys are all invited.. But let me tell you this. Dont go if you do not think you wont be able to cause uproar. I want you all to be there, as much as you want to be there.. ... ... So ... Please.. Set aside those things..
5. As for the cutting bandwagon.. I've no idea why it has become so popular. But I can say that with much distaste.. Brant and Heather were long before any of the newer people.. Me and Erika did it within the same week for the first time ( without knowing the other had done it.. ) trying to hide it from each other and everyone else.. When Ian has started.. I do not know.. nor his reasoning. I guess if you see it works for someone.. then it will work for you. I wish that in a way I wouldn't have told anyone.. and given Idea's. Sure they would have figured out this a terrible way to deal with things eventually.. but perhaps my doing wouldn't have pushed it along. Toby's theory about this caught me as ' doing it because everyone else is.. ' and ' doing it for no reason. ' I dont see it that way, but again, that is his perspective.
Alright, I've written enough feedback to Toby's entry, I believe.

remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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