Planaria !! Cute worms. >D
6:01 p.m. & Thursday, Feb. 19, 2004

We got to poke at Planaria .. ( Cute little flat worms. >D ) in Biology. I had three in my petri dish.. hee hee.. and guess what I named them? Jesse, Lestat, and Louis. : grins and stretches : Today has been pretty satisfactory. We had more terra nova testing.. Oh wait... theres a news broadcast about danger on the web about this guy meeting this girl over the internet.. >>;; Iyah. That pisses me off.. I mean.. Okay I look at my internet life and I laugh. I know the people that I conversate with.. I dont go wandering chat rooms for someone to have sex with me. : rolls eyes : I wish people had more common sense.. and I think its so awful that these things happen.. but such is life, no?

Cande had her life reading today. ^^;; The result were awesome. Lets just put for the record that we see a brrrrrriiiiiiiighhhhht future. : laughs lightly : Yes.. it's great. Down with the worrying scale.

I started my diet today. Its going about as easy as I thought it would. Hm. Lately things have been getting easier. I'm not procrastinating as much..I'm understanding what's going on in my classes. Home life is getting better.. I haven't cut in three months. : grins : Three months! Can you believe it? I can and it's a great feeling. I'm wondering if maybe I should hop into the shower.. I bought this aromatherapy body wash that Is suppose to relief stress. Hah. God I'm easily amused. : stretches : here goes to more wasting time with Courtney.

I'm out.


P.s. The weather was awesome today... I hope it's like that tomorrow.

remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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