Braces break because you make out
12:34 p.m. & Saturday, Apr. 24, 2004

First off, I've decided that this is the hair cut I am going to get if my mother ever decides to come around to letting me cut my hair. End of story. I kind of like it. It will be a change.

I'm in a good mood right now as if nothing can touch me. Starting to stress a little bit about final exams that are coming up. I'm going to have so much stuff going on then, it'll be insane. Atop of the thoughts of starting over, leaving everyone behind, and moving, I have to deal with the fact of passing freshman year with exams. Fuck. That'll be fun.

My mouth is sore.. ugh.. I finally went to the ortho yesterday to fix my broken metal. We all remember my little dillema from Spring Break while I was eating *gasp* rock candy. [ Something we all know that I'm not supposed to be eating.. ] It broke off my back bracket and wire, and Brant had to use wire cutters [ somehow I was deathly afraid he was going to snap my gums in half. How I got this bright idea I have no idea.. ] to snap it off. I ran around for about two weeks with my prettiful broken metal braces poking my in the side of the mouth. Not to mention that I missed an appointment for the ortho shortly after. And to make matters worse.. while cleverly trying to manuver and use my mouth to open pocky, I successfully managed to knock one of my brackets lose. Lovely. So finally I get to the ortho yesterday and the doctors reasoning for the state of my braces was that, " I was kissing too many boys. " Hey! If he wants to make me out as whore in able to escape being bitched out for breaking my braces in the first place, by all means! So that was the on going joke while I was at the ortho place. Yeah right. I wish I was making out with someone. Ugh. Never ever go into an ortho-oriented position. You lose brain cells. Idiots.

Keisuke comes home in a week. Wow, already? Time has gone by so fast for me. But thank god, the worst thing is having to sit and count the days, hours, minutes, seconds, nano-seconds, like I usually do. [ yes, we all know that this is one of my many terrible habits I'm trying to change. ] I left my voicemail for him today. Woo hoo. Yuuriko went to Prom last night and she left me an email about what a great time she had. Honestly I'm so happy that she had a great time. She's probably sleeping right now, otherwise I would call her and have her spill everything. Heh. We all remember how Yuuriko is a late sleeper.. oh man. When she was here she so groaned everytime I woke her up at 9:00. Thank god she wasn't here today. I woke up at 8:00. I've got to work on training my body to sleep more. Sleep! I command you to sleep!

Things around here are getting more and more dramatized. Lately it seems like rumor after rumor is making it's way around our little group at school. It's so retarded and immature. Someone's always got something to say and god forbid if there's a moment of peace. But what can I say? I thrive off drama so I just go with the flow and watch how other people deal with it. Although they're doing it in the worse form. It's the whole.. he-said-she-said-he-said-she-said.. I mean damn. If you're going to spread a rumor atleast take credit for it, otherwise people will lose interest and know it's a lie. Too complicated to follow. People are so stupid sometimes. But hey, this is highschool. It's so fun to see people try and do their best in form of words. The whole 'sticks n' stones' deal remember? Words will never hurt me.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward