Back to the.....
10:50 a.m. & Monday, Aug. 02, 2004

Well I'm back to the life of inconsistancies, impaitent parents, sibiling rivalry, doubt, and over all annoyance. Once more has my shield of life risen, the one that I was able to put down in Maine. I realized that every single day in Maine I was happy-- there were no 'upset' moods. Everyone was. It was just the theory of life. Why bring yourself or someone else down? I wish I could teach that brillant theory here, but I'm dead sure no one would listen all that well. So it's back to this slow as molasses dial up I go. Atleast I have the memories of Maine. I did have fun atleast a few times this summer-- so it wasn't a total waste like I was convincing myself it would turn out being.

We went school shopping yesterday. Jesus H man. That was hell. I was about ready to kill some of those mothers with my shopping cart. I mean I even got pushed out of the way once! Like brutally shoved, not just a light " Oh excuse me. " She just gave me the look of death like, "If-I-don't-get-to-those-number-two-pencils-right-now-you're-dead." But that shopping signals the starting of school is near. A week from today-- next Monday. Wee.

We went clothes shopping as well, but I ended up with nothing. I'm very picky-- aside from the fact that nearly all the pants I try on never fit me. I've been battling this for almost two years now, so I'm generally used to it. I'm a size 11 but I'm only 5"1'. Okay? This means my pants are horrendously long. But alteast I've got my top size down. It was a large, but now it's a medium. Go me. But those pants never fitting me bring me down a lot. For once I'd just like to not have to try on a pair of pants and not be able to get them because they're too long. Maybe in a few months. I'm working on getting down to atleast 125 lbs. I'm 135 now. Not that far. I'd love to get back to my original pants size-- size 7. Then I'd be happy. I have my first pair of jeans-- that are ripped and worn inward that I love so much, that are waiting for me to turn back to a size 7. I'm sure with a little determination I could do it. Mm.

I got another letter from Nakaruru the other day. ^_^ It was sweet. She actually used the translator this time-- so I was able to read it all. WOO. But it gave more information on Keisuke and such. Tseng is not watching my mail as much-- so she's going to send everything to me. Yuu is sending her stuff for them through me as well. This way nothing every gets hectic again. I feel important once again! I mean? What? :looks around: Who said that.

I think at 12 I'll wake my Mom up and see if she still wants to go to the Mall again today. I need to still go clothes shopping, despite how discouraged I am. Oh oh! I got the awesome vans I wanted, out of clothes shopping. They're the pink and black checkered slip ons. I was like. *___* Hell yeahhhh. XD;

I forgot to mention! Last night, I laid down about 9:00 or so, when I got off the phone with Josh.. and I didn't wake up until about 10:00 today. NORMAL SLEEPING HABITS! No, actually, I think it's just because I only got two hours of sleep last night. Darn.

<3333 Courtney

remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward