New York City...for the first time
7:14 p.m. & 2003-01-01

Im in Connecticut.

I was suppose to be on the road right now. My mum decided that we were gonna stay, since we are only an hour and a half from NEW YORK CITY. We are going to the city tommorow. Im so anxious...I really dont know what to say. I bought my hair dye just a few hours ago...its called, "Spicey auburn" I pray to god it doesnt turn out red. Not that looking like Jesse is wrong..but...::cough:: you know. Going from brown to red is a bit of a shock. Dont you think? A part of me does want me to turn out like a jesse. ::grins:: and part of me just wants to be auburn. ::Laughs:: we shall see what the hair dye god will make my hair color be by the end of the night. Send your best wishes...I pray that it works the right way. Because...its permenant. ::cough cough:: Ill send pictures, Cande Sylvia Sha, when I can get one done...with the new...auburn hair. We shall see. I need a new layout. :sigh: Im thinking about doing something. But this computer is really slow, I might have to wait until I get back home before I can change it to the layout that my creative mind is thinking about. Its only weds. Can you believe that? I start school back up on Monday. Ick. I dont want to go back. I want to go on summer vacation once more. Its raining outside, I wont say that I hated it, because I love the rain...because it was only RAIN no thunder or lighting. ::smiles:: I like Gina alot. My mums friend that is...shes really cool...and is the one that is dying my hair. I luff her so much. I want to talk to Cande right now though, it seems to brighten my days when I talk to her, because it seems no one has the time for me , or doesnt sound interested anymore. ::shrugs:: I dont know. ::hugs herself:: I need someone to hug. ::sigh:: This is a entry of half mello depression, and half...Happiness. I got Vanna's christmas present. Vanna..if you read this...and want to know...ask me. ::grins:: Ill go for now...I want to see whats cooking for dinner.

remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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