Highschool Year One Closure
7:28 p.m. & Tuesday, Feb. 24, 2004

Do you remember those days when you'd give anything to be excited about the smallest thing? Something to save you from the prosiac schedule that you knew wouldn't change for anything at all. That firm set schedule issued by school board officials who you SWORE up and down have been out to get you since you were old enough to put the words "School" and "unfair" into the same sentence? When you'd try desprately to pitch an idea to your parents and they said, " No " even BEFORE you asked? You'd stamp your foot against the floor, hands on hips, " But I didn't even ask yet! Hear me out! " They'd hear you out and it was still a no? Or those days When you'd sit in class singing that old Backstreet boy song that you hadn't listened to since elementary school, but it just happened to surface during Algebra I when you're looking for a savior from the abyss of lines on the graph? Those days when you'd proudly tell anyone who wanted to hear that LUNCH was your favorite period. Or that first time you got to say " Fuck you " inwardly to the bus when you got a ride from someone else? How about that Fresh feeling when you first walked into Highschool, clinging to your middle school friend's arm mouthing, " Oh my god we're all going to die? " Only to later realize the person you promised would be your BFF for life ended up being your enemy a few short months down the road? Or when you got grounded for your First F in your life and you somehow expected your parents wouldn't be so hard on you because you never made bad grades before? Those days when a friendly make out seemed quite convincing, and you find yourself eyeing the gay guys to see how 'friendly' they really are? How about popping Britney Spears into your cd player when you remembered a few months before being into hardcore cursing the 'bitch with blonde hair' and liking her was just being a 'poser.' Those days when you just can't find the big red emergency button to press to stop the bell from ringing because you really DONT feel like stopping your conversation? How about pinning up a picture on your binder just because you'd love explaining to people when they'd ask, " Is that a guy or a girl? " Those days when you were convinced the world was SPECIFICALLY out to get you but you found out that you're just taking a number because there's about a whole highschool population filing a complaint to the "LIFE" for the same problem? Those days when you'd stare at the prettiest girl in class and wonder, " How the hell did she get lucky? " But only find out later that her life was less then perfect, not far short from your own? Or that feeling that the only person that knows you is a million miles away and you are helpless to do anything about it? Going to homecoming for the first time making it out to be something TOTALLY bigger then what you expected it to be, but finding out that the after events made up for it? So here I am... my first year of Highschool is almost over. Wow. I guess this is what I've got to say about it.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward