April snow showers bring May flowers
8:19 a.m. & Tuesday, Apr. 13, 2004

What pisses me off most is that I woke up this morning and it was snowing. Now checking the calender I remember that it's, uh, APRIL. It shouldn't snow, under any costs. Not to mention that we didn't get any snow day's over winter, this is just another tease in what we're not going to have. I didn't get school off today, here I am, sitting in my classroom, tired as fuck. And it's snowing. I hate you mother nature, I really do.

I dont understand it, but I just couldn't get to sleep last night. I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that I've been staying up so late almost every night of this Spring Break... but when I put myself to sleep at an early 10:30 last night. I tossed and turned. I tried everything possible to get myself to go to sleep. Changing out my covers, turning the pillow over to the cold side, sleeping sideways. Nothing prevailed. So when my alarm clock went off at 5:30 I was already groaning for someone to just let me go back to sleep.

But yet again we run into another problem. Because my mother has started work [ much to my enjoyment of course. It's about time, two years, finally. ] she gets up as early as I do in the mornings. But what I failed to realize is that she takes a shower in the morning. This now creates a dillema for when I want to take a shower. When I was dragging myself into the bathroom, she shouts from the hallway. " You're taking a shower? " I groan for a second, pick up my towel quickly, and go back to my room. " Nope, forget it. " So I set my alarm for 6:00... and what do you know, I end up sleeping until the alarm goes off. So okay, 30 minutes max of sleep time and it's a Tuesday. I'm back from Spring Break and all I want to do is take a nap.

Day two of Keisuke being gone for three weeks. He said that he was going into the 'field'. Standard missions that go onward fail proof 99% of the time. Nothing to be concerned about right? Wrong, I'm just concerned about the time inbetween. How will this have an affect on Cande and even furthermore on myself? Ever since he's come back, there hasn't been a relapse time where he's told us he'll be gone. I'm afraid I'll start reverting back to 'old pains' remembering how difficult things were when he was gone from Sept to Jan. Of course, this is a matter of choice. I could choose not to do these things, but they're mighty difficult. But all's well that end's well I suppose. It's a matter of determination. I'm estimating he'll be back about May 3rd or so. Not so long...but just long enough. I hope that we can hold out. I've been meaning to write a letter to send out, but I've got no stamps. I wonder if Nakaruru got my package or not, Keisuke never sent any commentary about it before he left.

Kill Bill volume 1 comes out today on DVD. Brant asked me if I wanted to come with them this afternoon to watch it so when Larry takes us out to Yamato's [ this AWESOME Japanese resturant! Wee! ] and a movie I won't be lost. [ The movie is going to be Kill Bill 2.. Duh. XD ] I don't know. From the looks of it all I want to do afterschool today is take a nap. Not to mention that I'm going to be home alone today. Ahh finally peace. Both my parents working.. it's about time.

School is almost over, I'm about ready for it to just come. Although I'm concerned about this summer somewhat. If I do indeed end up going to Manassas for a portion of June. [ Pending on whether I move to GA or not. Manassas is where Cande lives. ] I'm afraid that Cande won't want me around. But that's absurd you know. We had such a great time when she was here. I'm sort of afraid to go there.. what if her friends don't like me. Blah blah blah. The regular sceanrio. I'm such a dork. :sighs: I'll talk to her more on this later. Although when it comes down to it I think I rather invited myself this summer.. x_x So I'm going to wait and see if she mentions it again.. if she does want me to come. It does look like so far she has a full schedule for the Summer.. Graduation on the 10th of June. Kyoto in July.. and North Carolina in August.. they'll really be no time. I thing I'm just trying to enter myself so she doesn't forget me? Ugh, I don't know what I'm thinking. Perhaps left out but I don't see how. I'm just making things up in my mind now. :sigh: It's still snowing, I still need a nap, and I still want Keisuke to come back home soon.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward