First Period Exams, a success
8:58 a.m. & Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003

First period exam... OVER! : grins : And it was pretty satisfactory.. no short answers, a big savior on my part. : yawns and closes eyes : Yeahhhh. It wasn't very challenging due to the fact that I studied! Oh the wonders of studying the night before, or cramming as some people so affectionally call it. But its all good. Mark got me a Hello Kitty Pencil and Earrings. ^.^ It was a nifty idea. 1. I LOVE Hello Kitty 2. I was needing new earrings anyway! So its a win win situation, thanks Markie Boy. I appreciate it. CHRISTMAS SHOPPING ON FRIDAY! Its a must.. I've got to remember to tell my mom to cash my check. Hrmm. Larry got a new job! GO LARRY! Thats great to know.. sonic really sucks anyway. ^.^ : hugs tight : My hair is curly today, I always feel *sexy* : laugh : when my hair is this way.. perhaps I should do it more often.. people give me wonderful comments when I do. ^.- Lol, yeah, I'm a sucker for flattery. I'm actually able to not wear my bracelets to cover my wrist today... you can barely see the past two month's scars... but the recent two are visable. Its an improvement.. I think that being able to see them prevents me from doing it again.. It's complicated in some ways, but then again, what isn't now a days? I'VE GOT LUNCH MONEY TODAY! Yes yes yes yes! YES! This is a good thing. I can actually eat! I haven't eaten lunch for the last two weeks. More studying for exams this afternoon though. >_< I wonder... I need a study buddy... proof that I do is my Humanities exam. I had Jennifer come over and help me, therefore it was easy. Darnit, I wonder who isn't busy. Erika, Brant, Jennifer?? Any takers? Sure it isn't your responsibility.. but I do well when I study with another person. : nods : Yep. Well I'm boooooored. I'm out to go to the Library.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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