8:20 a.m. & Friday, Apr. 16, 2004

I feel kinda of under the weather today. Not depressed, just that I want to go home and take a nap. I think I'll do that, after I talk to Yuuriko. Lately I've been so exhausted but I've told myself, " You can't go to sleep, you have important things you need to do. " Like what? Nothing.

I'm worried about Yuuriko. Yesterday she was totally off, even though she admitted that she was, it wasn't until later that evening that she let on that something was wrong. And then she proceeded to comment about how, ' no one fucking cares anyway... ' That was a bit of a shocker and a set back. I think I might break my plans with Larry, Stacy, and Brant tonight so I can figure out exactly what was up with her. I can always go see Kill Bill 2 some other time and they'll always be a Japanese resturant somewhere else. My best friend is more important to me then any event or date I have.

This is a short one, I'm really tired.. and we're starting a new unit in here.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward