Where has the time gone?
3:08 p.m. & 2003-01-22

Right. Just got back from school. The day went fairly well. Took a math quiz, and for the first damn time out of this whole year I understood what I was doing. Im predicting a B- for the highest and C- for the lowest. Gah. Who knows. Sha couldnt call me last night. Blog. I was trying to work on her layout, but it turns out that her HTML's are SOOO much diffrent then mine. Oh and about the song I posted last minute last night. "Only hope" it was sung by Mandy Moore, ::gag:: ( not my choice of music ) but the lyrics spoke exactly what kind of emotion I was looking for. The movie made me cry, which makes me laugh on it now. I needed a good cry. Thats the funny thing about me. I wont cry when a guy leaves me, or my heart is broken, but Ill cry in movies. Gah gah. Just goes to show how much apathy I have for reality. I gave Josh the link to my journal. He thinks my mum is now insane, which Im starting to agree with. I mean, after all. SHES ANOREXIC. And how am I suppose to deal with that? MMm. Well, OOH..."Diease" is on..::goes to turn it up:: Mmmmm...I love this song. I think its because Emily loved it so much. but I refuse to get into that sitituation. Im still telling my heart that what I did for her was the best, I didnt want hatred to divide us further than Im dividing myself from her now. I remain neutral in all things, especially this. Mid terms come out Feb 5th. It makes me stop and go..."Where the fuck has all the time gone?" Almost done with Half way of the Third quarter! Geez. Rwar...That just makes me THINK! Vanna wasnt at school today, her throat was attacking her. evilness. Cande's away message is answering my messages right now, so Im waiting for her, and waiting for Sylvia to get done with her studying. Mmmhmh. bored bored. I like this layout. It speaks truth. And truth is something that I really need right now. This entry is to damn long. Sorry.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward