The Gaydar is Back
9:49 p.m. & Monday, Aug. 09, 2004

Today was the first day of school. It went a little something like this.

No one talked to me... at all.. Until lunch came around. I'm sitting there, just writing in my journal. I quote myself from earlier today, " I hate this place. I mean, I hate it so much-- just take my love for gay guys and times it by 3. That's a lot of hate. That's how much I hate being here. " Then a guy sat down beside me. He read what I was writing.. and he laughed outloud. I asked what was so funny, expecting him to make fun of me or what not.

But guess what.

Just guess.

Oh come on.

You couldn't have obviously thought--

" Courtney's Gaydar is turned off. "

-buzzer- You're wrong.

It was turned right on.

His name is Justin, my new gay friend. Thats about the only thing I could praise on this day. >_> My bus stop wasn't scheduled, my locker wouldn't open, people were so snotty, I was so alone. I never wanted to be back in Fort Campbell worse then sitting there at lunch. But then Justin came and brightened my day up. I really have to talk to him tomorrow now. He gave me a hug. I really need gay hugs. They help your self esteem.

Later in Gym I started talking to this girl, Cassie. She seems kinda cool. She likes Anne Rice, Harry Potter, into the old Metal [ guns n roses, metallica ], her Dad is the manager at Hot Topic, and she thinks Marilyn Manson is hot. She's got her labret pierced. Woo. We've established we're lesbian lovers minus the lesbian. Hah. It's funny. She seems kinda cool, but not as into being friends. Not like the 'latch type' of friend/person I am. I like being joined at the hip with people. I don't know how that would go over. But regardless. I enjoyed talking to her and atleast now I have a gym buddy. I hate gym. Thank god I only have to take credit.

I'm not totally alone anymore-- but the beginning of the day I was growing really weary.

Upside : There are many hot punk guys with piercings and gauges galore.

Downside : I don't have the courage to talk to one.

I think I can exist in this place called Columbus, although I wish that Dayna and Yuuriko were here. Going to my school. Even though Yuuriko's graduated. Lol. Chances are she wouldn't want to go back.

My school day evened out but then again it didn't. It was weird, hectic, exhausting, and enthralling all in one. I still hate Columbus. I still hate Hardaway-- until convinced otherwise.

Goal : Find canidate for Homecoming.

It felt nice to be doing something eight hours a day though. Block scheduling isn't that bad.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward