The Asian Cutie is Found
1:47 a.m. & Saturday, Aug. 21, 2004

It's so strange. One day you complain about hating this place so much you'd die to be somewhere else. You're sure you've skimmed the school crowd and you can't find a damn person to relate to. You think you're doom. Oh god, it's the end of the world. Everyone run!

Well, of course, all these fake endings have happy endings.. usually. And I suppose I'll start this entry with a happy-- new beginning.

For the longest time I can remember, I have groaned about how I've wanted an asian cutie. You all remember. Frequent readers? Maybe even japanese! Who knows what Jrock, Manga, and Anime is! Who can even say he own's some Dir en Grey Cd's! Who likes Vampires and is cute. He isn't obsese. He isn't ugly. He doesn't have a horribly bad flaw about him.

Well. Today. I've found him.

His name is Worth Winchester.

I know, weird name right?

He's Japanese, likes Jrock, likes Manga, watches Anime, Doesn't buy his clothes from hot topic, has never had a girlfriend before, isn't terribly ugly-- infact, he's the cutest guy I've ever been with, he isn't a gay basher, he's tall like I imagined, he's got the smile I imagined... and best of all.. He likes me for me.

He asked me out to the movies tomorrow. We're going to see Troy at 5.

See, the funny part is....

I spent the majority of today on the telephone with him. Talking about everything that filled in the gaps. Everything I didn't know about him.

He plays the cello.

Hello. Educated.

He's in the IB programme.

Holy Crap-- he's so close a match it's scary.

Yuuriko tells me to call him Enshi.

I'm nervous.

All I can think about is holding his hand. What if he wants to kiss?

I'm just left smiling. He wants to talk to me. He wants to see me. Jesus. I have to get a picture up here asap.

And even better?

I started a notebook with a fast growing friend of my Amanda-- who insequently happens to be Worth's little sister. [ not blood related, duh. sorta like me and Josh. ] So it's all interconnected. Anyone getting a Fort Campbell feel to this?

I am.

So maybe days wont suck so bad anymore.

Maybe I'll like it at Fort whateveryoucallit.

Maybe I'll like Whateveryoucallit Highschool.


Who knows.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward