Regret, it follows me like a silhoutte.
11:13 a.m. & Tuesday, Sept. 07, 2004

So okay. In light of Hurricane Frances, I didn't have school today. We just got the aftermath of the tropical storm, considering I'm only in Georgia.. But this was enough to knock down trees and powerlines. My sister ended up having to go to school though, because her school is on base. I think it's kinda fucked up, but hey, that's just me.

Dayna and I are permenantly seperated. I deleted all her sns off my buddylist, changed my profile, deleted my old sl journals, quit Ivory Towers & Saviour, and deleted her journal out of my favorites. From past experinces I know it's better to just cut all ties right then and there before you die out of the courage you once had. I'm caving in even now, wishing I could have been a better person. But atleast I can say that I'm going to learn from this mistake. I won't ever do this again. I'm going to stay within the real life reality from now on. It's safer that way.

Speaking of real life reality; Cande started day two of her job yesterday. Only her Mother and Sister being the inconsiderate people they are drove her to tears. I called her and she didn't sound too well. I wish I could have been there to tell her everything was going to be alright. She's looking into moving out of her mother's house. I support the idea, but wonder how she's going to do it. All in good time I suppose, all in good time.

Things between Worth and I are grand, we did somethings this weekend that I really enjoyed. It never gets old, things between him and I. And I really like that. It's a reflection and improvement of all my past relationships into one.

Quick question. Is anyone other than me shocked that Brant has set his interests in Megan Cleary? Maybe that's just me not getting over the past.

Oh wait. Yeah. I'm over him.

So I think my shock has been properly applied.

For now anyway.

The people here didn't know what 'Movie Nights' were. I was totally surprised. With much of an explaination it left some people enamored that they hadn't thought of such before. Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah. Revamping the Fort Campbell system now. But anywho. Laurie says she's going to have one at her house, but I heard it word through Ariel. [ a new found friend of mine that is so much like me it's hilariously scary. ] We talked on the phone for awhile. The irony in it? Ariel once dated Worth's younger brother Ben. Hah. That's a mouthful all in one.

I believe the subject of this entry pretty much describes my overall mood for today. I have in mind what today is going to consist of though...

I'm going to call Cande and tell her how much I love her, Wish that I could have Dayna back, Go over to Worth's and forget everything I've done, then come home and go back to sleep.

Sounds like a good plan to me.

Oh, the Thrice CD I bought is awesome.

It's only when you've lost everything can you find worth in anything.

[ hah, anyone catch the pun in that? ]


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward