Iraq. Portable DVD Player. Whaaaa?
9:09 a.m. & Saturday, Feb. 21, 2004

I just got back from picking Dad up. He's finally home from Iraq now, this isn't a visit anymore. : stretches : It was nice to seem him again. Having him back will bring definate changes, but good ones I'm hoping for. Honestly, I really don't connect with my Father that much, so I don't really notice it when he's gone all that much. Not that I don't love my father, or that I hate him, or anything of the sort. It's just somewhat of a casual relationship, I couldn't really tell you alot about the guy. Thats just the way things are.

Mom woke me up at 4:58 a.m. I was so tired. AGAIN! The second day in the row getting awakened in the hour of 4:00! What's wrong with these people. : sighes : We didn't end up leaving until 6:00. >>;; Idiots. Little do they know they could have woken me at 5:55 and I would have been ready in five. : sighes : Ah well though. We drove to the airfield and awaited his arrival. Nothing really snazzy, I've done this routine one too many times in my life. Dad said he bought a portable DVD player for my sister and I. I couldn't help but look at him strange and want to just ask him what the hell he was thinking. Where am I going to use one of those?! It's not like I'm a frequent traveller. Ah, C'est dommage. These people are going to drive me up a wall. But it's a thoughtful gift reguardless and I appreciate it all the same.

Mom, Dad, Miah, and Shawna are all going out tonight. Woo. That means more time to myself and definate computer time with Yuu. Ugh, it's so early in the morning right now. . . I'm wondering if maybe I should work on part three of my story. ^^;; I've got part two and one finished. Although they are just rough drafts mind you, filled with mistakes and errors. Hm. I don't think Cande would appreciate it if I called her this early, would she? Mental note to self : Send birthday packagedout NO LATER then Monday. I miss her so much. >>;; She got off early last night, before we got to do anything. : crosses arms : God damnit. I need exercise a healthy makeout session. Any takers? Ughhhh.. frustration sucks out the wazoo. I think I might just go back to bed. Mm.. I think it's calling my name.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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