80's Movie Marathon
9:27 p.m. & 2003-02-09

Well. Its snowing outside, and I am quite happy with that. No School tommorow. Yay. Again, I, the Snow Fairy has suceeded. Woo woo. I went over to Josh's today, and hung out with him, Chris, and Erika. We played Kingdom Hearts..((rather I watched...than played)) and then watched Interview With A Vampire. It was a slow day. I avoided the computer for most of it. I am sort of glad that I don't have school tommorow. I don't think I was ready to start my week tommorow anyway. ::Le sigh:: I watched The Lost Boys for like the millionth time before I left the house today...so...yeah. And I started playing another charrie for Cande. His name is Morgan...::grins::...He is the big brother that I always wished to have. I need to watch The Labyrinth again. A few friends getting into it again. I was like...really young the last time I saw it....lol....the last thing I remember is some sort of gnome peeing in a pond. ::laughs:: Trust that to be the only thing that I can remember. Mmmm...We shall see. I think this weekend has been, "Old Movies" weekend. Ive been seeing alot of flicks made back in the 80's...which I think, was the best era of time so far. ::sighes and rubs eyes:: My contacts are killing me, I'm using so much saline to get them to stop hurting. I think I might have scratched my right eye. It hurts like hell. All I have to look forward to tonight, is sleep without an alarm clock. That seems fair enough? "Admireably Fair" said the vampire.<<------First one to tell me where this quote was from, and who said it gets MAJOR BROWNIE POINTS. ::Laughs:: Goodluck...


- -9:46- -
OH OH Alright. Brownie points to JACKIE (( [email protected] )) for getting the quote right. ^.^

remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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