Medical wee woo's and SB again
8:34 a.m. & Friday, Mar. 05, 2004

Okay. So I haven't written in a few days. I have good reasoning. Alot of things are swirling around in my thoughts right now, but for the most part it's good news.

My Spring Break plans are almost about finalized. Cande is to come up for the 4,5, and 6 of April. That should be much fun and I truly am looking forward to it.

Keisuke should be settled into Tampa by Monday. Haven't heard from him for awhile and of course, understanding circumstances. Holding my breath for awhile there but all is well.

Last night wasn't a very good night for me. I won't really inclose details.. but it consisted of mostly sleeping, sighing, thinking, doing things I shouldn't do.. an all and all trade for trade. I've probably hurt someone and I just don't know it yet.

I think I might be getting another Hernia. x_x Those things hurt like shit. And the funny thing is, I DON'T DO ANYTHING ATHLETIC! I had one back in about fifth grade. That was some funky stuff. But the pain in my lower abdomen hurts really bad. Keeps on throbbing and ughhh.. who knows. Just one more thing on the list I have to get checked out. Also must remind Mom to check for my Antithrombin II deficency at the Hospital. I want to know if I can safely drink Green tea without my mother smacking me. [ green tea contains MUCHO amounts of Vitamin K which only endangers Antithrombin III diagonsed paitents. ] But whatever. Savannah is coming up today. I wonder how that is going to go. I miss her and it's just like.."o_o" wow. I haven't really bonded with her since July. o_O? That sounds about right, yes. Plus I'm guessing I do need something to get me out of the house. I might leave Keisuke's voicemail a little earlier then usual. Perhaps today rather then tomorrow, time permitting. : blinks for a moment : I need to stop procrastinating in this class. >>;; Alright. Later.

Im out.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward