It was raining
1:54 p.m. & Monday, Dec. 29, 2003

When I woke up, it was raining. It put an immediate plus on things. Although I woke up later then usual, 12:15 I do believe was the time. Strange, because I fell asleep earlier then previous nights, yet I woke up later then most mornings. Weird, absolutely out of the ordinary. But no mind, I was just extrememly tired when I woke. I think that I'm coming down with something. I feel sick but my body isn't really sick? If that makes sense? Who knows. Cande left earlier because she was hallucinating. It's scaring me just a little bit. I know that it's just another symptom added to her heart problem, but I seriously do not know what to do anymore. Me being here and her being there is a terrible thing. I'm torn between wanting to runaway and the consquences. But it's all good. I can't really do anything at the moment. I told Erika I wanted her to come over today, but with the rain and all, I don't know if she will. Lately I've been a house cat it would seem. Not really leaving the house unless people come to me. Which is unusual from my regular attitude, throwing myself into peoples schedules, just guessing they have time in their day planner. But not everyone lives their life by a planner like some we know, ne? I Wonder what's going down for the New Years sleepover. I can only wonder. I haven't really been focused on the group lately. Everyone's been gone, so it's more like.. " What group? " Everyone's slowly coming back, so I suppose by New Years they will be.. and everyone will have something to do. I have another therapy appointment tomorrow. I was talking to Erika last night about how she needs to identify that she does have a problem. With all my logic and reasoning, I'm doubting that I even got through to her. I hope that I atleast knocked a little sense into her. I miss her. I apologize again to those who are on my layout making list and to my loser's at loser reviews. Damnit! I'm meaning to make more time for everything and everyone but I just cant seem to manage it lately. Well, I'm off to Rp Shinya and Toshiya! ( For those who remembered that log and like it and want to read more of it.. email me. ) I'm out.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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