Love the Dork
4:52 P.M. & Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003

I am such a fucking dork. I am laughing about it now, but clearly, I wasn't just a few moments ago. He caught me at a flustered moment..I didn't know quite what to do. :Laughs: Oh yes! I am a dork. I love this. The rush. The feeling. Mmm. Inspiration of this layout! It all fits together. I thought when he said, 'Talk to you tomorrow..' that it was literal. :laughs and dies:! Oh and when he left.. Mom was like. "You didnt even introduce me?!" I wanted to just beat her with a stick! I was trying to concentrate on not tripping on anything, or the stairs as a matter of fact. :laughs: I know this is awful, but this is the feeling I get being around him. Nervous. Unsure of myself. And I'm mostly always confident and sure footed. :grin: Well he's thrown that out the door. Wonderful. Its making me smile. And I haven't smiled geniunely in awhile. That poem above this entry isn't finished. I can't seem to gather what I want for the feel of this. So rather then force myself, I will wait for something to come. Yes. Now at the moment...after getting over that fiasco. :Laughs and just dies: Which I am throughly embrassed and being a total dork about. I have been listening to Mozart and Beethoven lately. The Appassionata and The Moonlight Sonata. Beautiful pieces. I plan on taking Piano I and II sometime in the near future. But thats if Mom ever finds me a Violin tutor! I have this beautiful Violin wasting in the back of my closet, simply because mother refuses to pay the horrendous fee they are asking for around here. Mmm. I have always been classical music oriented. More into Arts in my life then anything. Its hurting me not to be able to play something. If not Violin, Clarinet, or Percussion! Then what? :sighes: My clarinet and drumsticks waste away with my Violin as well. This puts me in a bind. I really didn't want to do band camp, so I didnt pursue band. Dumb choice. Ugh. So now I have no music urges to feed. Only poetic and writing ones. Hrm. The disk Ian gave me won't work. >>;; He has word..and I only have wordpad. FUCK. ugh. Ill go to my next door neighbors house and print. :leans back: Im stilling laughing from him just popping up like that..really..:just dies: I thought it was hilarious. I didn't expect him. And after just making a major confession...I really wasn't ready to adjust myself THAT fast. But oh well. :smiles: It made me smile and laugh. He should feel accomplished. Not many people make me really happy and laugh. :crosses arms: Well, I've clearly said enough..and I want to listen to Adagio e Cantabie without the sound of my fingers clicking the keyboard.

Adieu mon amies


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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