Goals for the 19th
10:07 a.m. & Sunday, Dec. 07, 2003

I was in a James Bond Secret Agent International Spy type mood, so this layout seems to suit my fancy quite nicely, not to mention it compliments my current Role Play. ^.^ But yeah. Today is going to be a good day, I can see it. I've just got to finish up some homework and study, so that'll probably be the only *icky* part of my day.. that and laundry for my school uniform. : yawns : My sister is watching Bring it On again.. I can't stand that movie. Perhaps if she didn't watch it a million times, or know all the lines I wouldn't have a problem with it. Toby came over last night, an answer to my distressed call of no vistors in my diary. Groundation is much like jail and getting vistors is like *YAY*.. But yeah. Brant get's to 'go out' for awhile.. so his prison is a little more giving then mine is. I'm HOPING that he might stop by as a friendly hello outside of school hours.. but we shall see.. I might have to call him and request it.. even though it would be cutting into his and Stacy's time. So yeah, I probably wont ask. Just rather hope that he does come. I'm going to have to do my Christmas Shopping soon! Ahhh! Dad called this morning from Iraq and there is an improvement on the tree situation. Mom IS going to put it up before Dad comes home! CHRISTMAS SEASON STRIKES AGAIN!! This is wonderful news! AHHH! WHEN I GET OUT OF PRISON THERE ARE A MILLION AND ONE THINGS I WANT TO DO!
1. Go see the Last Samurai with the Family.
2. Go downtown Clarskville and look at the Christmas Decorations.
3. Go to Nashville to look at the lights.
Wooo alright. My goals for the 19th. I have to start Studying for Exams. I'm hoping that Mom will start letting me out for group studies. I'm looking into trying to get some of the group together to help study. I've always worked better in groups. And plus, Brant and I think Stacy have to study for ACT exams as well?? I'm not all that sure.. but yeah. Alright, I'm out to start on my homework.

remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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