silentlylost's Diaryland Diary


Francis Ferdinand, Gackt, & Hyde.

It's finally when you feel you have something, is when you have nothing. The irony in my life right now is enough to choke me.. or just drown me in a puddle of my own creating. Either would suit the moment just perfect; adding to the caracophny that my life insists on making for me. I mean honestly, do you really think I chose to get myself into the situations that I do?

Of course I do.

Today's payday, but we have no milk in the fridge. Therefore, no cereal today. And man, I hate not eating breakfast.. because around second period my stomache is loud enough that the whole class hears it.

I didn't do my german homework. Convientnantly 'forgot.' Nah. It was just because I was watching Moon child. God. Yeah. Gackt & Hyde. Can you ASK for a better combination? So if I get blamed for not doing my homework, I'm so sending a flamer letter to Japan letting some japanese guys know their hotness is interrupting my learning.

I have a presentation on Francis Ferdinand today.. oh god. I don't know all my dates for his life. He was a boring fellow until he died ANYWAY. >_> I mean, sure, his death started WW1.. but other than that, his life is really nothing to get excited about. Something about a morganatic marriage and him not being a medieval Tom Cruise? No Charisma. Man. Sucks for him. BUT I STILL DONT SEE WHY I MUST DO A PRESENTATION ON HIM! My poster of his life is fantabulous. I just don't know all my dates. And that sucks. Because I know I'm going to be asked questions. I'm betting a C on this project. Motherfucker.

OH! Got grades back for progress reports.

German : 104% [ no thanks to gackt & hyde ]

World History : 85% [ goddamn francis ferdinand. ]

Algebra II : 74% [ ;gasp; i've always sucked in math. ]

Gym : 100% [ i'm not running in there for nothing. >>;; ]

So there it is. And I need to find something to eat, review my dates on francis fucking boring ferdinand's life, find somehow to do my German, and catch my bus.

Damn. I've got an orthodontist appointment today. My new one's such a prick. So full of himself. I'd like to poke around in his mouth and see how he feels. >>;; asshole.


5:36 a.m. - Tuesday, Sept. 14, 2004


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