Maybies are awful things
9:01 A.M. & Saturday, Apr. 26, 2003

Sometimes I wish that perhaps I wasnt to crazy. Im sitting in my mind locked up so tight. I realize my flaws, my prenaturnal nature to act older than I am. I am currently thinking on taking up Chris's offer. Maybe I can visit him this weekened. Maybe we could talk. Maybe. But Maybe is a strong word. Emily's returned. Let me try not to fool you. Shes assuming that love is still...."here"...I will let her. Simply because I am afraid that love will turn me away once more. Sometimes things can push me further than ever. And sometimes everything can sort of just fall at once. Last night, was one of those examples. My friend threatened to kill herself, and she was drunk. She apologized for it later. But she means alot to me. Like..I.E. : Me and her are like peanut butter and jelly that have a little tea time in the middle. lmfao. Okay, that was not quite the way it was suppose to express. But no matter, you guys get the just...right? But. She emailed me...and I was relieved. I seriously HAD To get offline in order not to break down at the party I was at. I went to the dance earlier that night. It was interesting. The last one of the I said. "What the hell...go.." I was all vamped up. Lol. Im still wearing my clothes from last night. hah! I had straightened my hair, bringing the red out in it...and wore like all my jewlery I own. I scared a few people off, and I even got a few stares. I had just this lovely ruby red lipstick....eyeliner was a must. Mwhaha. ::laughs manically:: Its amazing how a person can go from School girl to goth in a 2 hour transition. Which is basically what I do everyday. School uniforms to school, and then when I get home. *RIP* change. heh. Anyway. Sleep gave me a release and a power up for the ability with dealing with today. Can anyone give me a ride home?! Ugh. Ive got to get home, but my mom is asleep and Vanna's mom is not here. ::pout:: this meaning I have to walk from Hammond Heights to Pierce Village. gah. evilness in walking form. ::sighes:: I unlocked my diary, I believe that if people get angry over what I say now, I can simply retort with. "Than why did you read it? It was your choice to type in the address." Gah. Evil evil enough. I think I might even change my layout today. Because I a have been creating layouts like theres no tommorow in the last few days since monday.

Shtrdsoul: edward scissor hand layout

ButterflyGod: Kami of Malice Mizer

VannaJo: Depressing feel layout

TatoodFlesh: draco malfoy layout


heh. yeah. This is whats been occupying me lately. So. Im off to create my own new layout. Or find one for myself, because even though Im a layout designer...its so much easier to find someone to make one for me. Tee hee. Im a lazy bitch today. ::shrugs and yawns::


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward