Japanese Sushi Wee!
4:54 p.m. & Sunday, Apr. 18, 2004

Lets do a quick recap of this weekend shall we?

Friday evening was the best night I've had in awhile. We went to this Japanese [ oh I know you readers are thinking, ' did you see a hot asian cutie here? ' ] Resturant called Yamato's. Mmm. It was absolutely wonderful. I tried Sushi for the first time. Although I vowed that I was going to atleast try everything that I was given, it was difficult. I lost my nerve after I ate the shrimp sushi.. Gagging big time. But! I am pleased to deliever that I can now list as one of my favorite foods, Sake! [ Japanese for Salmon Sushi. No not the alchol. xD Thanks to Kei for this friendly reminder. ] Crap, now that I think of it, I forgot to ask Kei about that Lotion tasting stuff that they practically served with everything. Whatever you do, beware of the lotion tasting 'stuff' that looks like ham. Just don't do it if you love your taste buds.

After this magnificant dinner Brant, Stacy, Larry, Stevo, and I headed to the movie theater to see, "Kill Bill v.2" Oh yes... ohhh yesss.. I don't want to comment much about it in here incase there are some readers who have not seen it yet. Just one thing though. I did not see her eye getting popped out.. that was something I just didn't see coming. xD So I ended staying out until twelve and then returning home. I was tired, although throughly happy, and decided sleeping in my own bed was a good thing to do at this point.

Yuuriko and Keisuke have been online on and off all weekend. Kei is dealing with work and such and Yuuriko with prom. That reminds me.. yesterday I called Kei [ Yesterday being Saturday this would make it my weekly voicemail update to him. ] for his voicemail update. But see.. what I didn't think about was the time change again. He was in Japan.. so by the time I gave him a call it was already 2 in the morning. But even so, he should still be awake, right? Wrong... it was officially his first night off in the past six nights.. so just as he was falling to sleep.. guess what rings? His cell phone! Guess who's calling? I am! Sorry Keisuke. :laugh: But you can't say you weren't expecting it.

Yuu told me yesterday also that she got her Prom dress. I'm really excited for her and I know that it'll look fab-u-lan-tastico on her. ^^;; I'm excited to see the pictures. Prom for her is Friday I believe? Hn.

In light of the summer, the move, the end of the school year, and a whole lot more free time. . . I have decided that there are a few things that for myself I am going to do this summer.

1. Before I leave to Georgia I am going to cut my hair shoulder length, dye it brown, and make sure the hair cut has -gasp- bangs.

2. I am going to try and pick up a new hobby, if not either learn how to write in Calligraphy or play my violin. I will know how to do something new by sophmore year.

3. I am going to try and start eating right, but not deny myself my loverly fix of Popcorn and Vanilla coke.

4. I am going to try and eat sake again very soon.

5. I am going to enjoy decorating my room all over again when I move and try to be positive about it.

6. Try and meet new people when I get to Georgia. I will not be anti social.. because I know if I didn't put any effort towards trying not to be, I would be out of habit. Who knows, perhaps I'll find my Enshi in Georgia.

And that. Is that. Getting ready for the summer.. Mmm. I am oh-so-ready.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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