3:00 A.M. & Tuesday, Jun. 10, 2003

Well, here I am. :Leans back for a moment: Its quite late indeed, and I'm still up. Probably because I'm wired on emotion...I had a heart to heart talk with Shawna earlier...and when I looked at the clock..it was about 2. We had been talking for a long time. Her and I, in alot of ways are alike. I admitted to her all my fears, and my problems, deep down that I dont usually tell anyone. She understood, and had the same experince's and points of view. She gave me the best piece of advice I've heard in a long time. That you should be careful who you give and give to...because they can drop you, or leave you hanging when it comes time for your needing help. Both of us feel the need to give and give to people...we are fixers..humanitarians...we get satisfaction from seeing other peoples wishes coming true. Even if they come before our own issues and needs. I cried for her, when she told me some of her deep down things...because in a lot of ways...I knew how she was feeling. Its a big relief having her here, and even as she may get onto my last nerves...I love her. Enough said. I admitted to her my worst fears..I told her about my friends. I told her everything. She understood. She knew. That was the best feeling for me in the world at the moment. Period. New change in mood and attitude calls for new change of layout. So..voila. Look and wish upon this eye candy. Mmm. You know you love it. Ive been stuck on John Mayer lately...its quite odd, and I dont understand. ><;; I dont know. I think its poetic words. Perhaps? Dnt know still. I'm off though, because Cande's waiting for my Rp response..choosing of a character. :yawns: I feel so energized! hah. Right. Adieu.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward