NO internet connection. Whew.
1:14 p.m. & 2003-01-25

Damn my family.

The phone bill didnt get paid. Thats why im here using Jen's computer. ::sighes:: No internet for me until Feb 1st. PIsses me off more than anything that my parents can ever do. You know what? If my lazy ass anorexic mum would get off her ass and go to WORK, WHICH SHE GOT A BACHOLERS DEGREE FOR. (Nursing) We wouldnt have to get the phone shut off, or have my parents feel bad when I ask for money, and they have to tell me no. Not that I ask for alot of money, only when I go places, and which is like...never. So. Yeah. My sister does all this crap, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, the Youth Center...Which my parents pay for her to be able to do. Thats like $200 dollars a MONTH for her. And for me. Absolutely NOTHING. unless you'd like to Count AOL. And if you did...that would only come at atleast $50 a month. And to tell you the truth. I barely ask for anything from them. So this is why, when I do ask for something, and they say the dont have it...its just a bit unnerving. But wait a moment, Im beginning to sound like a spoiled kid. BUT IM NOT IM NOT IM NOT IM NOT!!!!!!!!!. Gah. Screw it. Anywho. Sylvia and Cande should have gotten my letter by now. Oh, and if you guys read this, Luff yew bunches. I should be back online in 5 days. Im considering on sending another letter. But wait...nm. WE HAVE NO MORE STAMPS. And STAMPS COST MONEY. Oh my fucking god. Im going to kill someone. Not depressed, just frustrated...Trying to deal with everything..and then THEM. It just doesnt connect. Im going to murder my cousin, Shawna. I WILL. She is so stuck up.. And my sister does help. Im just going to die from spasms of NO RELAXATION. I feel like im going to have a nervous break down. Gah gah gah gah. DIEEEEEEEEEE. =_=

This is awful. >.<;;

Eating salad with nothing but good ole lettace and Italian dressing. Mmmm. Blerg. I might write another entry tonight, because Im staying at Jens. ::sighes::

The low and frustrated,


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward