Mental Health Day
10:32 A.M. & Tuesday, Sept. 23, 2003

Mental Health Day.

Yeah thats what I'm doing now. On Ian's request anyway. ^.- So cute. He made me promise I'd attempt to. Things between us are getting better. He understands alot more now then he did then. and he did the sweetest thing last night....Lately I have gotten to the point where I couldn't go the sleep without him.. So he made me say my goodbyes on the phone and then made me try to sleep. Obviously did, because this morning I woke up with the phone in my hand when the alarm went off. I felt worse then ever though. Even though this is a mental health day I feel Physically drained. Like I just fell down a million flight of stairs and Im just now getting back up. This is day # 2 after break down and day # 2 of Vacation. I'm doing better then I was before. I found out the MAIN reason that Ian felt the way he did. The whole situation reminded him of when Holly and Korbin were together that one night. At first I got offensive... Because afterall that was implying that I was cheating on him and then he made me stop. IT just reminded him. He told me that Brant and myself are two different people of that who had start that situation before. He trusted us and knew that it wouldnt happen. But that didnt prevent him from seeing the situation that had happen along time ago playing in his mind. I sort understand what he's getting to but at the same time the situation is so much different. I mean. She didnt try to hurt herself did she? Of this Im not sure, but whatever whatever. Im done over it and moving on. ( And those of you who are smart and caught those underground context clues in the last few lines. I'm fine now. Ill never do it again. One time thing only that I regret. Get over it. And if you come to me with pity Ill just glare. ) I'm on the road to recovery. I also found very good news this morning. Cande got to talk to Keisuke last night. He told her to her face he loved her....and that he'd be back for her. He made her promise she wouldn't join the C.M. and that she'd just stay out of everything. So..shes at peace and now I can finally begin to be. Yeah. Finally. Alright Im out to go lounge on my Mental Health day. ^.-


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward