Numbers again. Oh joy
2:27 a.m. & Friday, Jul. 23, 2004

A lot of things are happening at once. I'm going to try and shuffle them in chronological order, but things dont normally go that way. I'm going to list a few of the things that are going on at the moment-- and then break into further detail.

1. Larry's Dad the Jackass calling my hosue and fighting with my parents.

2. Family problems that are arising outside of my immediate family.

3. I'm going to Maine from July 24th to August 1st.

4. My tub doesn't drain for shit.

5. On my plane ride, I have an hour stop alone in Cinncinati. [ being alone without anyone I know in a place I've never been before isn't good. I can be taken up for anything.. without defense. ]

As for going into detail of each, don't mind me as I skip around or even start to get off topic. I suppose the biggest news flash is that I'm going to Maine on Saturday. Off to the beach. Do you know how relaxing that's going to be? Finally feel those waves under my skin. Soak in the sun. Just forget everything I've been thinking about lately. That would be nice. And it's going to happen. Although we have a minor set back. The plane ride there.. I'm going alone. My biggest fear is that Tseng or someone of the likes [ probably one of his Lackies ] is going to be there waiting to abduct me. I only leave my house to collect the mail as of late, so going from that.. to a place where it's very open, I'm all alone for an hour. Oh dear. I'm very nervous and scared. Perhaps I'm over reacting, but like I've said before. I'd rather be over cautious then careless. So I'll be on edge until I get into Maine. Jesus. That's going to be fun. I'll jump at everyone and keep on looking behind my back the whole time I'm in the airport. I wonder if Kei'll send Slyfer or Oracle to watch me. Probably not though. He sent Oracle to watch over Yuu while she took a plane to my house-- but with everything that's going on right now, I highly doubt that his team can do anything but stick to assignments. Atleast from what I gather.

My bathtub wont fucking drain. So none of us can take a shower. I hate this place. And don't lecture me about my bathtub not being able to drain is no reason to hate Fort Benning. Because you're dead wrong. My bathtub not draining has everything to do with it, okay? Good. Drop it.

Larry's Dad called today, screaming about how my parents sold him a bum car. I was just like.. " O_O;; Wow, what a jackass. " But I remembered his Dad was a con-artist. Larry called back later, apologizing. He said that his Dad was just trying to get him out of paying for the rest of it-- when Larry told him he still had money left to pay on it. Fuckers. But it's resolved now. What the nerve of people though, you know?

Family problems. I can't really state them here until a later date. It could conflict with quite a few people. Only lets just say, my family probablems right now DONT deal with my immediate. And that, blows. It might turn out to be a life altering event that I'm unsure I'm ready for. I'll leave you on the edge until I'm certain it's okay to post it in here.

I keep on listening to Wolfsheim. I really think there's a big time attraction. I keep obsessing over Lola Ray. Goddamn! You'd think that I'd be over them now? No. I'm still dying to see the fucking video. I can't watch it anywhere.. and with this retarded Dial up.. trying to download Automatic girl from a site is as funny as trying to shove a cake down your throat in one bite. Hah. Take that. But I joined a Lola Ray fanlisting today. I'm proud of myself. Still stalking out for the video though.

I can't wait for the beach. And Yes! I succeed! I CAN GET A TAN BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS! Who rawks? Courtney does.


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

rewind & forward