Its Snowwwwing!!
9:20 p.m. & 2003-01-22

Its snowing.

Yayay! Jump for joy. I hope we get out of school. I really really do. ^.^ That would be good, and I wouldn't have to face Justin. I don't feel like dealing with him, or 'Carli' For that matter. Im nursing a broken heart here people. So just ignore me if I sound dramatic. People don't realize that they're actions hurt worse than words. And thats where my situtation comes in. Gah. Who woulda guessed this would happen? Everyone else did, but me. Everyone told me that he was gonna do it. And I didnt believe them. At first it was a, "What does she have that I havent?" and nows its a "Why did he break up with me?" I know the reason why. Thanks to Josh. Thank you very much mon amie, without your push, my brain would still be telling me insignficant things. The R.E.A.S.O.N he left, was because he wanted to smoke weed. It was plain as day. I told him, if we went out, I would never let him do it, or I'd drop him faster than you can say 'blunt.' Carli doesn't care about that crap, she isn't overwhelmed with that fact that what he does is ILLEGAL. And that right there, was my key factor. This gives me enough courage to realize that I don't need him. I dont need him at all. Not someone who isn't going to take me because I have certain standards. Im not going to stoop that low.

And Justin, if your reading this. I mean to tell you this now. I dont hate you, but your not necessarily on my 'liked' list. You know what you did, and let God or some other higher power deal with your problems. Im through with it all. I need to be me, and with you around, I cant. Which creates a problem. Save yourself the time, don't ask me out again. And dont wallow in self pity. Deal with the mistake you've made, and move on, as Im slowing doing now. I hope you understand why things are this way, and what is eventually to come. Maybe someday when Im grown up, Ill stumble upon this memory, and laugh at how naive we both were.

Ill go now, with alot of my self dignity left. ^.^


remember when?
lover you don't have to love - Sunday, Jul. 06, 2014
- - Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005
Catch up? - Tuesday, Sept. 20, 2005
nothing - Monday, Aug. 29, 2005
missing dland - Thursday, Aug. 04, 2005

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